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overcome overwhelm 


For Real Estate Agents
looking to eliminate anxiety & reduce stress!

Live Online Masterclass
Tuesday, July 20th from 11am-12pm

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Led by: Danen Williamson,
Certified Clarity Catalyst Coach

Are you ready to reduce your "anticipation anxiety" and discover tools to help bring you back to the present?

Would you like to feel confident and calm instead of worrying about whether a transaction will fall through or make it to closing? 

Is your work-life balance something you struggle with?

If you said YES to one or more of these questions….then join Catalyst Coach, DANEN WILLIAMSON for a FREE, powerful masterclass on how to overcome overwhelm, anxiety and decrease stress!





I know, I know! This market is INSANE!


So...I may not be able to provide magical transactions... but - stress, worry and anxiety are every day REAL issues that are not only affecting our relationships with loved ones and friends, performance at work, but they can be one of the top leading reasons for a decline in our health!



In this Powerful Workshop you will: 


✨ Discover the true cause of Anxiety and how to change your relationship with it for the better...and for the rest of your life!


✨ Learn a quick 1-minute stress-relief technique to take you out of an anxious state and into the present moment where peace lives.


✨Identify an easy way to  pull yourself out of stress, fear, worry, regret or any negative emotion you're experiencing in under 3 minutes!



It’s Time to Direct the Story of Your Life!

Meet Danen Williamson

Danen Williamson is a Licensed Real Estate Agent whose personal life events of becoming a single mother quickly pivoted her career to become a Life, Health & Clarity Catalyst Coach.


Based on the famed Stanford University Masters Degree Course “Creativity in Business” her program, The Clarity Catalyst helps students get “unstuck” in their lives. She empowers them with practical mindfulness tools and proven emotional intelligence techniques to discover their purpose and take inspired action to move forward in their lives no matter what obstacles they are facing.


Danen currently leads workshops, courses online and works 1:1 with individuals and corporations. Learn more about Danen at

Where do i signup?
can't wait to see you there!


You can signup by contacting Jordan LaFond -


Have questions???
send me a message and I'll get back to you in 24 hours to set up a 15-minute complimentary discovery call!
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© 2024 by Danen Williamson Health and Life Coaching, LLC.

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