are you ready for
Let's face it - Life circumstances bring up a LOT of unconscious or subconscious trauma. With that, the relationships we have with ourselves becomes the most important one to nurture.IN ORDER TO BECOME THE FUTURE VERSION OF SELF, WE MUST FIRST EMBODY HER.Let me walk you through one of the most transformational journey's you will ever experience. ❤️ Let's do this together ❤️
For the Woman desiring to live their truest, most authentic, aligned life...

This Program is Perfect for you if...
You want to heal somatically (heal the body) :
You have a rigid nervous system and find yourself either hyper-active or hypo-active - either super uptight or numb. You desire to begin feeling and processing sub-conscious and unconscious feelings that exist within the body on a cellular level through somatic healing.
You want to improve your mindset:
You’re constantly having negative thoughts and try to change them around but don't even know where to begin. You feel like your negativity can sometimes consume your good mood and it affects your relationships with your children and partner. This is not about spiritually bypassing...this is about understanding how quantum physics and emotionality can affect our daily lives, and what do do about it.
You want to improve your relationship to self:
You're often questioning your worth or are perhaps already in the process of healing the patriarchal conditioning you grew up with. You often start projects and stop them because you're not sure if "it's for you". You push yourself and often find yourself in burnout after it's too late. You often say, "I'll do X when I have X"...putting yourself last. You might find you have or had issues with boundaries in the past and are ready to fully embody putting YOU first.
You want to break free from judgement:
You’re afraid what other’s might think of you if you take a step forward and leap into the unknown. You judge others either at times or often - sometimes you notice it, other times you don't. The fear of judgement from others feels at times that it cripples you and prevents you from taking the leaps your soul desires.
You want to overcome anxiety & overwhelm:
You find yourself in a state of anxiety at times or often. You react easily to circumstances or situations and afterwards feel regret. You desire to work through regulating your nervous system so that you're not in a constant state of fight-or-flight.
You want to realign with your Intuition:
You've shut off your intuition and have been trained and raised and conditioned to not listen to that voice, to not listen to your intuition and to only be in the head and the mind. You're not confident whether an idea or thought is a fear based thought, your intuition or what society has told you. You desire to live from a place of truth and intuition.

Why is this important?
I want you to think about all the reasons why you don't generally step outside your comfort zone to do that scary, but exciting thing you've always wanted to do!
"If I succeed in my business, I'll have less time for my daughter because I'll be working more" (my past example).
It can feel scary to see what could come true if we jump into the unknown - the fear is what causes us to start thinking about all the negative "what if's"
When we focus on what we have to lose, we don't think about what we have to gain!
-Mel Robbins
Are You Ready For
60-Minute Weekly Sessions - One week will be a coaching session, the following will be a breathwork session.
Accountability support through Voxer - Monday through Friday. (THIS IS GOLD).
Weekly guided meditations and journal prompts to gain clarity and access a deeper connection to self.
Weekly attainable & personalized action steps to turn your goals into reality.
This profound modality will be used in addition to breathwork to deepen your transformation.
Access to soul rise breathwork membership
Access to weekly breathwork sessions and a community of like-minded women on similar journey's.
Here's what you can expect...
Reprogramming belief systems
Somatic experiencing
Connecting to a higher power - divine/source/creator
cultivating your intuition
What Danen's Clients are saying...

I get it...Your Fears are still telling you No...
Let's Face them together:
FEAR: "I don't have enough money to hire a coach..."
I hear you. I see you. I was you.
I had every excuse in the book ready to defend "why" I couldn't or wouldn't take a step forward to make the change.
I thought, "there's no way! I'm a single mom, I barely have any support and I'm broke as a joke!"
And you know what? The moment I jumped and said YES because I couldn't say no anymore was the moment the Universe showed up and provided a way to support me financially to take the course. And It's happened more than once!
When we live in fear that the money isn't there or we won't be supported, we're sending a message to the Universe that we're not worthy of receiving the money. We continue to live in the energy of "I'm broke" or "I don't deserve this" and it's difficult to bring anything in.
When we live in the energy of abundance and trust - we focus on what we have in our life that we currently have an abundance of, that brings us joy, we take chances and trust that whatever outcome happens, we will be fully supported - THIS is where change happens because law of attraction responds accordingly.
With that being said, I understand the REAL money-lack mentality and the impact is has on the nervous system. No mindset belief is going to change that unless we create safety in the body financially as well. If this is you - please don't deny yourself access to growth. Let's find a payment plan that works for YOU and allows you to feel safety, while still honoring me as an entrepreneur. It gets to work for the both of us, babes!
The decision is always yours, but if you've got that inner-knowing that this is right for you, I want to encourage you to trust it because "THAT" is the key to living your best and authentic life!
"What happens if I spend all this time and money on working with you and I don't get the results?"
I want you to make a promise to yourself right here and now - Your commitment to this program when you sign up means you're finally stepping into your true personal power.
With that, it is your responsibility to recognize and understand that the results don't come from "my program and our calls" alone.
You MUST do the work. You must practice the tools, you must trust in the process and live with the weekly guidelines I provide.
A lot of people think hiring life coaches means we'll "magically" change their lives. If that's you, this program is not for you.
What it means to work with a life coach is that you fully immerse yourself into a new world and are ready to be stretched in a way that maybe you've never been stretched before. It can be uncomfortable and it can be emotional. But more importantly, if you don't implement the tools and put in the work that's required, you won't get the results.
"I don't have a lot of time, I'm afraid if I commit that I'll fall behind"
I make it really difficult to "fall behind" because a) we take it at your pace in a way that your body can actually somatically acclimate to the change you're creating and b) this has to be attainable. That means learning, embodying and growing in a way that doesn't make you reliant on me for the rest of your life. I promise - there's no falling behind and I'll be there with you every step of the way!
Why do I need a coach if you talk so much about following my intuition? Can't I learn all of this on my own?
The reality is - although each and every one of us has an intuition that is more powerful than we could even imagine, the transformation comes into play when you're being guided by someone who has already accomplished what you desire. Think about it in terms of studying for a degree: The professor you learn from has YEARS of experience under their belt. You COULD go out and learn everything on your own, yes - the internet has EVERYTHING now. But with a professor - they take you through the course step-by-step and teach you everything you need to know without you having to waste time. It's the same thing with me: you get a step-by-step, personalized journey for either 3 or 6 months to bring you back to your intuition and aligned, authentic self. I have put in years of work so that you don't have to!
why choose me as your GUIDE?
Single Motherhood chose me when I was 5-months pregnant. At the time, I felt this was the worst thing that could've ever happened; but, as life would have it, my thoughts soon showed me that things would get much worse in my postpartum stage before they got better.
It took me nearly 18-months before I started my Rebirth journey - discovering powerful tools and techniques, re-connecting with my love for journaling & meditation and found a passion in taking care of myself.
Over time, I found that the truth lied within all along - that my struggles weren't happening to me, but FOR me and I was the only one that could transform them. I've taken these tools to help my clients quantum leap so they don't have to waste the time like I did to create massive change. It is through my journey of challenges, heartache and struggles that led me to where I am today.
It is my mission to help thousands of women rediscover their identity, embrace confidence and live the complete soul-aligned life they've always dreamed!
We all have the power to access the key that unlocks the door to our truest essence. It's my job as your Embodiment Life Coach & Guide to help you discover the blind-spots and find the answers to what is holding you back from remembering WHO YOU ARE...who you were born to be.
You CAN be and do anything! It's time we start embodying and embracing that belief as a collective! It's time to start awakening and stop resisting and restricting. I'm here to help you do that!
Connect with me on IG